Wednesday, October 24, 2012


There is a family of cats that live in the yard around our building.

The security guards love them- who doesn't live kittens?

They set up a few boxes with blankets for the family- and some food and water bowls.

There is one that I really like- super playful with a little cattitude! I've named him Spock- after a pet fly I knew that this kid in Lakeview had.

Again, you MUST be asking yourself why you read this blog....

Ok, elsewhere in Shanghai, I got my hair cut today. I typed in "shanghai style" into google translate and the stylist knew what I meant! All the 28 year olds have the same hair style here- and I'm trying to blend in....which also means I'm going to wear one of those Michael Jackson masks in black.

So check it- I went to this hair cut place in our neighborhood. It looked way swank but I didn't have a choice because I had bad helmet head.

For $15 this is what you get:

- Tea
- Then someone washes your hair
- Second tea
- Massage
- Hair cut
- Second hair wash
- More hair cut
- Final wash and go

It was total freak show for how cheap it was! I now have a "city" hair cut- but what are you gonna do? You can't be rural forever I guess. It's something between kid n' play and Zack Morris.

Last thing I swear- They may be able to take Community away- but they can't take our freedom!

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