I began the day determined to find the answers to these questions. Chatted online with Ooma, our phone provider...they told me that big brother blocked the port that Ooma uses to run voice over Internet phone. Their suggestion was for me to contact my Internet company and tell them to open this port-
UDP 53, UDP 123, UDP 514, UDP 1194, UDP 3480, UDP 1000-2000, TCP 110, TCP 53 and TCP 443
Uh, what?
- One, no one knows what any of this crap means in English.
- Two, even if I did know what these people were talking about, how am I supposed to call a Chinese Internet provider and convey this message?
- Three, and probably most ridiculous, WHY would they ever listen to me?
Good job Ooma support department....and good job me figuring out how to use bullet points.
However, I can't expect Ooma to control the world....and they did say that after next week they will likely open the ports again, once the transition is over.
CHAPTER 2- Sidehack
My bike is supposed to be ready today. I won't be surprised if it isn't- and don't want to get my hopes up. If it does come today though I'll be tearing up the streets of SH like a 12 year old kid!
Unfortunately no one thought about how the bike is going to get from the bike shop to our house. That was something I was sort of expecting Sarah to have figured out....but I guess I do everything else around here anyway- why stop now.
I know what you're going to say- "ride it home". Well, I learned my lesson from the time I bought that motorcycle from the guy in Sherwood....a 45 minute ride home in the dark after having not been on a motorcycle with a clutch in 20 years, with a 6V lighting system, on a road I didn't know taught me this- I'm going to be riding my bike home probably. It's like 20 miles.
Well rest assured IF it all works out today I'll be posting many pics. Until then, here is a sneak peek at what I used for design inspiration....very complicated stuff....
CHAPTER 3- Sarah and the Super Bowl
Sarah is not using her US phone at all really here in China. So here is her China number in case you don't have it....this is the one to use for whatsapp: 86-156-1805-6109.
I didn't sleep at all on the plane from Portland to Tokyo this last time. It was 10 hours of horrible....save this:
I was able to pick up a used Gameboy in Portland before I left- and they had Tecmo Bowl! I was the Chicago Bears for my Super Bowl run.....and what a run it was! I was able to eliminate some great teams....
- Dan Marino and the Miami Dolphins
- Dorsett and Elway of the Broncos
- #80 Steve Largent with Seattle
- 49ers Walter Craig and Joe Montana
....and many more.
It came down to the Los Angeles Raiders and I in the Super Bowl. Probably a worst-case scenario in Tecmo Bowl. Who can stop the split back set with Marcus Allen AND Bo Jackson?
Well, Mike Singletary and the 1988 Chicago Bears defense- that's who. Combine that with Walter Payton's powerful running game and you can eek out a win!
It was close up to the 3rd quarter, and I had a scare when my thumb cramped, but we pulled it out....no thanks to the flight attendant who kept bothering me, seemingly at the most critical junctures in every game.
You can see the play by play updates if you follow me on twitter @ #caleestecmobowlrun.
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