Thursday, August 30, 2012

Moving Out

The movers will be here in less than an hour and that will be it!  Goodbye Ridgemoor Ct.  We've had some good times here are will miss this house.

Now we're moving on.

Not much left in the living room....

We wish to live deliberately- and see if we can not learn what China has to teach....and not, when we come to die discover that we have not lived.....


  1. Oh the good times. I can remember several good times at this house.

    My top three - Letterman Style:
    (3) Wedding planning on the deck with the Chocolate CAKES....
    (2) Sarah's 29th bday party. Ross and I rocked that BBQ!!!!
    (1) Almost burning down the house because Calee thought he was an electrician.

    Honorable Mentions:
    - Ping Pong, Ping Pong, Ping Pong
    - The Kids hanging out in Kris's room watching movies so the adults could hang
    - 4th of July with the Griswalds

  2. Nice selections....cannot believe you narrowed down to three. Impressive! I am not that good, nor will I be able to pull up at will the many memories that in this moment escape me. But, a few honorable mentions of my own -
    5) Planning Bliss. Sweeter yet, knowing that it still is Open for Business today!

    4) Jennifer fully decorating our front porch with a small autumn festival in order to look "inviting" to children on Halloween after getting stuck with 5 bags of candy the year prior.

    3) My first Thanksgiving Dinner in that Kitchen....and the shock and surprise on everyone's faces when it was Delicious!

    2) Any and EVERY gathering that happened in that kitchen/back deck. With the right people and some good food, we were always able to have the BEST time!

    1) The Engagement that may not have happened next to a waterfall or under the stars, but it happened under that roof.

  3. By the Way, this is Sarah replying, not Calee...seems his login will make my posts appear as him. Time to finally get a Google account---which only becomes one more procrastination tool from writing my first blog post from China!
