Thursday, September 27, 2012

This Place is CRAZY!

I decided to change my writing style again for this blog.  Now, I'm going to go for more of a Captain Kirk style.  I'm not talking the new-era Kirk wimp....I'm talking old skool Kirk who used to pick up on green chicks.

Captain's Log 2431:

This place is crazy.

With so many differences, its hard to decipher which things are worthy of writing about and which to leave out.

You have to be comfortable in your own skin here to be able to tolerate the uncomfortable reality of such differentness.  If you are not, you won't survive.  I suppose that is why people so often change once they have been to such a foreign place.  If you don't abandon any self doubt right out of the gates, you won't make it.

I like the everyday differences.

People don't tip here, ever.  Traffic lights don't mean anything.  It cost $.05 if you want a plastic bag from the store.  Electrical outlets are 220v, not 110v.  People here never make eye contact.  People talk to you in Chinese even if they know you don't know what they are saying.

All these little things are fascinating to me.

Captain out.

Stay week is "write like chang from community" week!  Trust me, you don't want to miss it!


  1. Lmao. Thank you for providing my daily chuckle and serving my idle curiosity ;)

  2. Feels like we are there....awesome!
