Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Copy Cat

Ok, I walked to Starbucks this morning, here they call it Xingbaku, and it's about 3 blocks from our gate.

In that 3 blocks, I saw three things that were obvious copies of US stuff, two of which are MY ideas!

Pic #1- I've been talking about a bike like this for 2 weeks....this guy shows up this morning all proud like he's had that thing for years.

Pic #2- This sign is just up the street, Xintiandi (our neighborhood) Style?? Sounds an awful lot like the name of a famous US blog written by, uh- ME!?

Pic #3- This one was the worst, it's a sign on a furniture shop, an obvious take from Chris Jones' business "Christopher Original", I mean come on.....

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